Q. What if I can't decide on either a style or colour consultation.
A. Gift certificates are interchangeable for the same value. Purchase a colour consultation and you can change it for a style consultation at no charge. Shopping can also be exchanged for a wardrobe consultation.
Q. It is a lot of money to spend, what can I do if the recipient doesn't like it?
A. You can give it to someone else, use it yourself, exchange it for something of the same value that you or they do like, or if all else fails we will refund the money less an small administration fee.
Q.Can I contact you to ask other questions?
A. Of course, please select this link for all my contact details
Q.How long before my gift certificate expires?
A.Gift Certificates don't expire, we don't even put an expiry date on them.
Q.what if I lose a gift certificate?
A.No problem just let us know who purchased it and we will find the reference.
